Mixtape: Sunday Funday Edition

OK, so this is not a mixtape per se, but rather it is a collection of a few albums I have really been enjoying lately. I have been writing like a madwoman, just picked up another social media account to manage (I currently manage social media for my full time job and now for Cover Me Songs. Follow Us. Like Us. All that jazz.), and have been listening to a lot of cool music that has been extremely motivating. It’s not all “new” music, but it’s new to me.

Night Time, My TimeSky Ferreira – Night Time, My Time

I feel like I have been waiting for Sky’s debut LP for AGES. This girl is on the cusp of turning 21 but her songs feel a lot more mature than that. Her opener, Boys, is now my fucking anthem. If you are into dreamy pop, are a fan of Dev Hynes or any of his projects (he produced a few of her songs, worked with Solange, and is awesome as Blood Orange), check out this album. It is not available for streaming on Spotify, but you can purchase it on iTunes here. I promise you you won’t regret it.

The Golden Age

Woodkid – The Golden Age

Woodkid, AKA Yoann Lemoine, has been directing music videos for some time (you like Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream? He did that. “Take Care” by Drake? Yeah he did that, too.) and recently thought, “Hey, why don’t I make my own music? AND IT’S GREAT. It is ambitious, to say at the least, but his flair for the dramati, folksy vocal moments, and hip-hop beat influences blend together so well. Listen to it on Spotify here. My favorite track as of now is “Run Boy Run.”



London Grammar – If You Wait

Holy cow is this album great. This UK based trio has been hyped up for quite some time, and I think they live up to it. You guys, they wrote their first song, “Hey Now,” JUST A YEAR AGO. They are talented young folks. If you are on board the Lorde train, you will be into these guys. Slow, aching, building songs, dreamy vocals, and a minimalist sound? That is the stuff that makes up my favorite music. Oh, and they have a killer cover of Nightcall by Kavinsky. Listen to it on Spotify here.

Those are the albums that have been on repeat for me for the past week or so. (OK, maybe PRISM by Katy Perry is also on rotation, but I feel like it has enough exposure so I didn’t have to write about it. Dark Horse is my jam.) Do you have any new music suggestions/recommendations? I am always up for new tunes to help me write all day on Sundays.

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